Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Too much stress

I hate when bugs in other people's software (ie. Microsoft) makes me look bad. Do not read farther if you are not a geek...

XHTML1.0 spec says the alt attribute shall be used for all img tags. The alt attribute specifies what shall be displayed when the image cannot be displayed. The spec also states that the title attribute is optional and can be used in nearly any tag and will provide a tooltip on mouseover.

Standards compliant browsers like anything based on the Gecko engine or the KHTML engine do this properly. Of course, MS Internet Explorer has decided that the alt tab will be used for tooltips instead. Since I do not use IE, I developed a website for one of our embedded products and used the alt attribute as it should be used and did not use the title attribute because it was extraneous.

Today we received a call from a customer complaining about this. I put in one of the alt attributes "not much" since not much would be missed if the image was not displayed. Now it has turned into quite the hoo haa around here.

Aaaaahhhhhh! I make software compliant with open standards and get blamed when uncompliant software that MS wrote misbehaves.

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