Wednesday, October 08, 2003

coffee coffee coffee

Current music: My fingers slamming on the keys

Weeee... We have a new coffee machine in the lunch room. The coffee in the old one sucks so much that I refuse to drink it. This new one is for "specialty" stuff and is a demonstration from now until Monday. After Monday we will have to pay to use it. Boo. I will stick with tea I guess, but I will be sure to make good use of it until then.

I am really starting to like C++ and wxWindows more and more as I learn and understand them.

My grandparents and aunt are coming to North Tonawanda today to visit some relatives. I think they are going to call me. I hope they do. If they call during the day I will bring them in to work and give them a tour.

Yesterday I found out that a co-worker of mine is on Friendster. She is my friendster now, but I kinda feel uncomfortable about this. I don't think I wanna get my friends and my co-workers mixed.

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