Sunday, May 23, 2004

Back at work after a relaxing weekend

So Friday evening I walked home from work. The weather was awesome so I said screw taking the bus... After I got home Marty and Kenny came and we went bowling then to play some pool. I rocked everybody with a 183 then at pool I got a down-trow against Marty. Marty was pretty gutted about it...

Saturday I went and looked at some cars with Ben at the auction. I really want to buy a car. I miss not being able to get places... After that Kenny and Marty came around and we went over to Simon and Richard's house for a while. The girls and Simeon came over too... even Samantha showed up! Everybody had already heard about the down-trow and they were really ripping on Marty... besides, he had the lowest score in bowling too... even Aimee beat him.

Sunday Kenny came over in the early afternoon and we went out to Cambridge with his brother and a bunch of other people to pick up his '46 Chevy body. After that I chilled out with Richard for a while at his place then went home and hung out with the flatmates the rest of the night... Ben loves that Buzznet site and he commented on a few pictures on there. I think he is going to start sending some pics to the Buffalo one...

Here is a picture of one of the cars at the place we picked up Kenny's '46 Chev body...

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