Sunday, February 06, 2005

DC -> Tampa

So the time in DC was good. We visited a customer and got some other things accomplished. Had dinner with Ian and Aggi one night. Then I took off to Tampa.

My Aunt Fran picked me up at the airport because Nonny and Poppy didn't want to drive at night. We made to back here and talked for a while before bed. In the morning Nonny's leg was really swollen and had a big red spot. This is the good leg, not the one she broke a few weeks ago. We went to the hosptial. It was a new one and there was nobody there. She was immediately taken care of. It was great, the way hospitals should be! Turns out that they think she may have an infection so they gave her some anti-biotics for it. The doctor said he had some other thoughts on what it could be, but she wouldn't want to hear them and he left it at that.

For the rest of the day we just relaxed around the house. Today my other grandparents are driving down from Leesburg (north of Orlando) with the Buccis. It will be cool to see Steven, the Buccis, and my grandparents.

Today the swelling on Nonny's leg has gone down some and the red spot isn't as bright. I hope the anti-biotics take care of it.

Tomorrow I am planning to head to the post office and Sears, then Tuesday it is back to NZ...

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