Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Flickr Killed the Photoblog Star: rebuttal

A little over a week ago, a photoblogger named Catherine Jamieson wrote a bit about how flickr killed the photoblog star. Here is my rebuttal to that...

Flickr defined the photoblog star. The people who continue to not use Flickr are the ones who are stars. That site only allows 10MB worth of new photos each month unless you are on a pay account. The format is very standard and in my opinion not all that asthetically pleasing. I am not saying my blog is appealing, but at least I can change it however I like.

In response to photography not being like text, I fully agree. However, Flickr is treating as such. I don't want to be looking at these tiny 400 pixel images. Puh-lease. I want 640x480 at least. Come on people. We all have high resolution monitors now. On top of that, the image is flash based. That means that if I like the image and want to save it or link to it, I can't. Saving it, forget about it. Linking to it is possible, but then you actually have to link to the Flickr page.

There are some nice things about it like the organizing and comments, but I can all that fairly easy by using gThumb or Picasa to publish a web album.

Flickr is a backwards progression in expression.

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