Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Stupid power outages

So, I have had an exciting week since I came back to the North Island. Yeah right!

Monday I worked then went home and wrote some emails and stuff. Tuesday I worked then went home, went to Si's and hung out, went home and worked on photos for my album. So here I am today. We had a power outage this morning at work. Sometime during the night it went out and took out all of our servers and everything. Very inconvient. It is all up and running again now.

I used Skype yesterday to call my mom's landline. I had used it before for PC to PC calls, but never PC to landline. It worked really well. She heard an echo of herself, but to me it was perfect and it only cost 0.28euro for the 15 minute call. I am not complaining!

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