Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Redemption's all we need

Current music: Boy Sets Fire - Live for Today

Tim and I got tickets to Death Cab For Cutie in Toronto on the 16th. I am pumped. I wanted to go to the show in Philadelphia, but it is in the middle of the week so I won't. I gotta find another show to go to down there.

Once again I pretty much slept all evening and all night yesterday. I guess this is just what my body needs. I am feeling a lot better today, but still tons of snot coming out my nose.

Since this blog really has no purpose I am gonna give it one. I am gonna start documenting here stupid things drivers do in Buffalo because the drivers here are so damn bad... I am not saying that I am the best driver in the world or anything like that. I know I am not, but the drivers here are the worst of any place I have ever driven. They don't drive crazy like in Boston, the traffic isn't bad like in NYC, they don't overtake in no passing zones like in NZ. Buffalo drivers just do stupid crap all the time.

Stupid driver of yesterday:
I was following this car and the driver made a left at a light. I also made a left at the light following him. I proceeded to move into the right lane since I was turning right in a few hundred meters. This guy was going ultra slow so I moved up next to him then he started moving over in a side swiping action. He never turned on his directional, never looked, nothing... I honked and slammed on the brakes. I couldn't move over because there is a curb, not shoulder. He finally realized that I was laying on my horn and he was gonna hit me within inches of my car. Damn stupid driver! As with most of the stupid drivers I see on N. French road...he worked across the street from me at NCO.

Stupid driver of this morning:
I was on Millersport Highway where the speed limit is 45 MPH at about 7:20 this morning. A woman there was going all of 35. I passed her in the left lane. Nothing special there. All of a sudden she passes me in a flash on the right only to pull in front of me and slow down again to 35. This time I could not pass her because she did it just as the road went from 4 lanes to 2 (one in each direction) so there I was stuck behind her. Luckily as we entered the 55 zone she sped up to 40! I followed her the rest of the way to work. I was surprised when she did not turn onto N. French and go to NCO.

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