Wednesday, February 04, 2004


Current music: Death Cab for Cutie - This Charming Man

I have been working on this problem lately with two libraries in our code base. I am trying to communicate between the libraries. I know this is very poor style, but I am forced to do it because of how our code is layed out. I have been battling the fact that it kept crashing when the HwCfg library accessed an entry in a table in the UsNet lib. I had no idea what the problem was though.

This morning I spent the morning getting the debugger working. It always works, but I was not able to get symbols in the HwCfg lib. I really didn't want to dig through thousands of ARM 80200 assembly instructions to find the one failing then try to match that up with the line in the C code, so I had to dig into the makefile pretty deep and figure out how to get symbols turned on for the lib. I eventually got it working at about 10:30 and it took me about two hours from there to figure out that I need accessors to modify the data in the UsNet lib. Now it is working fine. I am not sure what the difference is, but oh well... Only took me about a week to get that sorted. On to the next little bastard.

By the way...this is why I prefer C to Java or other languages. I can really dig into the internals, drop to assembly if I need to, and I don't have to worry about bugs in the virtual machine or crap like that...

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