Monday, May 31, 2004

Interesting grapevine at work

I got an email from Jon Berretta this morning saying that he hopes Owen Smith had received the news about Aaron and wondered if I had his email address or anything. Unfortunately I don't, but passed on Jesse's and his parents' phone number. I believe Owen would have been one of the first people contacted. I was curious though, about how Jon had gotten my email address. I don't think I have really seen that guy in a long time! I do remember who he is... I think he lived either next to Stephen Krisel or maybe Johnny lived with Steve and Berretta lived next door. I don't remember. Anyways, he said he got my email from Jen Davis. I guess the email I sent out must have been forwarded to Jen, then from Jen to Jon... Weird... Anyone know who Jen Davis is?

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