Monday, June 14, 2004

New car!

Current music: Ben Folds - One Nagry Dwarf and 200 Solemn Faces

I went to Defy yesterday during my lunch and talked to Boldas. His girlfriend's step-dad accepted my offer of $3000 for the car. Sweet! I just need to suss out the payment now.

On my way home from work last night I was waiting at the bus stop and the bus drove right past me. I had waved to him to stop and the bus driver waved back. I ran and caught him at the light. Bastard! Sarah and Aimee were on the bus and they said that Gareth had come back the night before. He would be at their house for dinner. When we got to their stop I got off with them to see Gazzy. He wasn't there so I headed home. Ran into Daryl and Gareth on the way home. That dude hasn't changed at all. It was damn good to see him.

I made some dinner and stuff then walked over to Simon and Richard's place. Nobody was there but Richard, so we went around to Sarah and Aimee's. They were watching Monster. Kenny and Tash were there too. I chilled there and watched the movie, then Tash gave me a ride home.

Gotta suss the car stuff today with Boldas. I am pumped for the ski season to start this weekend...

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