Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Had enough for the week...

Current music: Beck - Lonesome Tears

So last night I got home from work and my boiler was broken. The bottom had rotted out of it. My landlord is meant to be fixing it today...we'll see when I get home if he has completed it or not.

Went over to Beth's when I got home last night and headed to Subway then to Toronto for the Darkness with her, Mark, Tim, and Frank. Mark drove us in his Pathfinder. The ride there was pretty sweet. It was story time as usual and then the concert rocked. Damn, they can really play...

After the show we were waiting outside for some of Brickey's friends and John showed up. He had driven up to the show alone because he had to come earlier in the day for an interview. He wanted a ride to his car because it was pretty far away so he hopped in the back of Brickey's car (where the dog hair is) and we did the hooker loop. McCarthy asked someone to ride with him on the way back so he didn't have to go by himself so I went.

After paying $24 for parking we got on the QEW and started the journey that lasted from 11:30 until 5am. Shortly out of the city we hit a bad patch of black ice and spun around twice into the guard rail at 70+ mph then again into the ditch on the other side of the road. John climbed out and then I had to climb across the car to get out because my door was in the ground. John was kinda disoriented and looking at his car and there were all these people yelling to get away from the car and get away from the road. We weren't quite sure what was going on, but I did what they said and got John to get up the hill with me. At this point we noticed there were already 6 cars off the road on our side and one on the other side up against the guard rail and the people were telling us to get away from the car and the road because we were in danger of more cars coming off the road into us.

Within seconds a minivan went careening off the road and hit a car that was already in the ditch at over 40 mph. The car went flying (yes, in the air) about 30 feet right towards a group of people standing on the hill. I called Beth and told her we were off the road. She said she would come back for us. A few minutes later we see an SUV rolling over and over across the road and landed in the ditch upside-down. Thankfully, it wasn't Brickey, but the people were trapped inside. Some other people helped them out.

During the next few minutes we watched as more cars spun past us and fishtailed all over the place. The ambulances and fire trucks started showing up. Brickey showed with the rest of the crew. After waiting around for a lot of bullshit, finally a tow guy towed John's car out of the ditch. We were not sure if it was going to be driveable or not so we waited with him. Then the tow guy locked the keys in John's car, while it was running. He tried to get it out with a slim jim, but the windows were fogging and it was really dark out. Finally, the guy decides to tow him to a gas station near by because they will have more light.

He proceeds to take about an hour and half to get the door open. WHen he finally does he wants $98. We didn't have that though and John offered him $60US. The guys said $80US or he was gonna take it to the impound lot. After fighting with him and Brickey on the phone with his dispatcher fighting with him, Brickey got the money from the ATM and paid the bastard. He wanted $98 for helping us out of the ditch even though he then inconvienced us for 2 hours because of his mistake!

After that I rode home in Brickey's car and we followed John. There was no way I was getting back in that thing. The alignment was definitely messed up and there was a funny thumping coming from his brakes.

I made it home at 5 am and wrote an email to my boss saying that I was gonna be in late today because of all that happened. Madness. Now here I sit at work. I got here a little after 11. I think I will probably be leaving soon. I've had enough.

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