Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Monday Nights Win Me Money

Current music: Pavement - Baptist Blacktick

Didn't get much sleep last night after a long and prosperous night at the bowling alley. When I got there I didn't really feel like betting with the dudes, so I found Tammy and bowled with her and her normal crew for a game. After that game Katilus came down and said they needed another guy to make a team and wanted to know if I was interested. I said fine, so I went down there when I was done. During the game with Tammy I had put down $5 on Quick Pick 1&10 like usual and won $10.

So I went down and entered the Blades game for $5 and the card game for $1. Once the teams were picked I knew we were gonna win. Ended up with a 173 for the game and 2 pair, 3's and Aces.

By the time I walked out of the alley, after paying for shoes and two games of bowling I was up $21. Overall, a productive evening. I didn't get to bed until about 1 AM though. Now I am pretty tired, but I can rock it.

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