Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Money, money, money

Current music: Elliott - Calm Americans

Last night when I got home from work I took a little nap then did some shopping. I needed some more CD-R's. I swear, I go through those thing with a fury. Found some at OfficeMax for free after rebates, and they were the last ones left on the shelf. Hit up Wegman's after that. Went home and watched the OC then off to bowling.

Why is it that girls are disinterested in me all the time? They just wanna be my friend, then after we are friends and I have moved on they want more? Not sure what to make of the current one, but this as happened several times in the past and I don't like it.

Bowling was pretty sweet. I wasn't gonna bet because I didn't really feel like losing money this week. So I was walking down to bowl with Zubz and Laurie when I saw Tammy. She was down for some bowling so I was gonna bowl with her. Katilus came over and said they needed one more person so they could have three teams for betting. I reluctantly agreed, and it is a good thing I did... The first game we kicked some serious ass. Blasak bowled a 266 and I was on his team! Then the second game came right down to the wire. With the last person left in the 10th we were ahead by about 10 pins. Paul stepped it up with two strikes and an 8... Game over! I was on the winning team twice. I did pretty well too, so it's not like my teammates carried me or anything. I put up solid games. I also won the card game they play the second game...only $5, but still $5. So after all was said and done, I had rented shoes, paid for 2 games, and walked out with $18 more than I came in with...

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